Nice football gear drying rack Scott. Judging by the weight of it there's no way that thing is going to fall over but then that is the point! Now you just have to get your gear dirty enough to warrant washing it.
I hope you all had a good Easter break. Judging by the colour of some skin's it's clear that some of you spent some time in sunnier climes over the break although it was pretty hot in town here too.
We're in the home stretch to summer now but don't lose sight of your studies!
Easter holidays start tomorrow but keep in mind that when we get back from the break we only have 6 classes left in Module 3! make sure you line up any paperwork you want to do over the holiday and sign out the book(s) you'll need.
Hooooot day. Feels like summer is just around the corner although if previous experience is anything to go by we'll have some more snow before summer proper begins.
A special congratulations to Kyle and Lyle who I was priveledged enough to witness in action in the fabrication section. You guys both did us proud not only in what you produced but in the way you carried yourselves.
The skills Canada competition takes place tomorrow. Goodluck to everyone participating.
Participants don't forget the registration evening tonight at the reception room by Keyano theatre. It begins at 6:30. There will be food and beverages provided so get there early and take advantage of the hospitality and the chance to mingle with the competition.
Important meeting tomorrow for Skills Canada competitors. Bring yourself and your lunch to the lecture theatre as soon as the bell goes at the end of block 2.
Heather Throckmortonis coming is specially to outline the day for you and answer any questions you may have so make sure you give it some thought.
First Day of module 3. Check your module 2 marks are all correct; they're posted on the board.
It as good to see some of your parents at parent teacher interviews although I suspect that a couple of you wish I hadn't. Don't despair there's still plenty of time to turn things around, it just requires a bit more application.